


Dragon Warrior Training for FASCA SFBA

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Dance into team cheers
Dance into team cheers
FASCA SFBA Advisors with Deputy Director-General Chu and Director Chuang
FASCA SFBA Advisors with Deputy Director-General Chu and Director Chuang
Dr. Hsieh talking about resilience and sense of belonging
Dr. Hsieh talking about resilience and sense of belonging
Group Photo
Group Photo

The Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (FASCA) in the San Francisco Bay Area hosted its new member training at the Culture Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Offices in San Francisco (Milpitas) from June 21st to June 23rd. 

Trainer Dr. Kevin Hsieh taught several courses, including flag design and “Year of Dragon: Public Art Installation”, and “Who am I? Exploration of Sociocultural and Self-Identity”. When interviewed, Dr. Hsieh mentioned that the dragon wind catcher course was inspired by Qing dynasty designs, as well as wanting to reduce and reuse e-waste such as old CDs. He taught students how to safely process the materials. Along with box string and transparent plastic, the completed dragons were displayed on the ceiling of the Culture Center, where parents and other guests could view them on their way in to the closing ceremony.

The final day’s closing ceremony featured performances, speeches, and other showcase events. VIPs at the closing ceremony included Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in San Francisco Deputy Director-General John Chu, Culture Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Offices in San Francisco (Milpitas) Director Sophia Chuang, Overseas Community Affairs Council Councilmembers Catharina Gill and Johnny Lee, Association of Northern California Chinese Schools’ President Selena Shan, and the Committee for the Confucius Memorial Ceremony Chairwoman Peggy Mou.

Phases during the closing ceremony were named “Today’s Leaders,”, “Ambassadors in Making”, and “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” to demonstrate the growth of students during the course of their training. At the very end of the event, a recap video was projected on the big screen for all to admire. This year, with a whopping total of sixty-four students participating in the training, there were fourteen returning members who helped within their team to make sure new students felt at ease.

A new element that was incorporated into training this year was the team of liaisons between FASCA members, the advisors, and trainers: SuperTA Senior FASCA members. These individuals have been committed to the chapter and its activities during their high school years, some starting their involvement in 2018 and still continuing to the present day. The seven Senior FASCA present helped with program design, event emcee, elections, as well as photography and videography. Editor Daniel Tsai as well as the rest of the Senior FASCA team spent countless hours collecting and compiling media for the recap video. The final product was so touching that many students started tearing up. Congratulations to the new class of FASCA SFBA members!

