為輔助海外僑營餐飲業發展,將臺灣美食推展至國際,展現臺灣美食軟實力及拓展臺灣外交、觀光、文化與提昇國際能見度等多元目的,僑委會自2010年起辦理「臺灣美食國際巡迴講座」,結合海外各地主流活動宣傳臺灣美食,增進臺灣與世界的連結,吸引更多海外朋友來臺灣觀光! 2024年規劃5條路線巡迴全球18個國家,僑委會網羅臺灣各地餐飲菁英擔任主廚,本支影片也將介紹各路線主廚及他們的拿手料理。
To promote Taiwanese food and introduce outstanding Taiwanese chefs overseas, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) initiated the "International Tour of Taiwan Gourmet Cuisines" Program on an annual basis since 2010. In 2024, a total of 5 tour routes will cover 18 countries in the world. The touring lectures will feature elite chefs from all over Taiwan, recruited by the OCAC. This video introduces these talented chefs and their signature dishes. Let’s share Taiwanese food to the World!