


Muslim prayer rooms opened at Alishan forest park

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Photo courtesy of Chiayi Forest District Office
Photo courtesy of Chiayi Forest District Office
Taipei, Nov. 10 (CNA) The Alishan National Forest Recreation Area opened its first prayer rooms for Muslim visitors to the mountain resort area in Chiayi County on Friday.

Two prayer rooms were opened in the recreation area -- one in the tourist center and the other at the main Alishan transportation station -- the Chiayi Forest District Office under the Forestry Bureau said in a statement.

Not only are they the first Muslim prayer rooms at a national forest recreation area in Taiwan, they are also the country's highest prayer rooms above sea level, the office said.

The Alishan National Forest Recreation Area is situated at about 1,400 meters above sea level.

Before establishing the prayer room, the district office consulted with the executive secretary of the Grand Mosque in Taipei, Haji Shevket Ma, to ensure the details of the prayer room were correct.

The prayer rooms are equipped with Qurans and prayer rugs, while washing facilities are provided in the bathroom. Directions to the prayer room can be found in the recreation area.

The district office, meanwhile, has also started to provide brochures translated into Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai to cater to the growing number of visitors to the recreation area from Southeast Asia.

