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首都哈爾格薩舉辦索馬利蘭台灣商展(Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland)
首都哈爾格薩舉辦索馬利蘭台灣商展(Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland)


台灣駐索馬利蘭代表處因此在本年11月4日至5日偕同外貿協會、台北市進出口商業同業公會在首都哈爾格薩舉辦索馬利蘭台灣商展(Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland),11月4日上午開幕時,有索國貿易、工業暨觀光部長、商會主席、衣索比亞、烏干達工商業界代表、外貿協會駐非洲及杜拜主任、國內綠能業者宣德能源及我國旅非洲台商約120位貴賓出席。

本年索馬利蘭台灣商展主題涵括醫衛、食品、農漁加工、汽車零組件、資通訊及海空運等;另配合COP 26「氣候變遷」議題,並引介我國業者提供綠能解決方案,試圖建立台灣的「非洲計畫」東非國家隊及增強東非市場認識我國優質產品,以建立台灣與東非市場的經貿平台。



The accomplishment of Taiwan’s “African Project”: To build the business platform with East African markets through Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland

To take the advantages of the completion of Berber Seaport Phase I Project, Berbera International Airport, Berbera Economic Zone, Berbera Corridor, and AfcFTA took effect from 1st January 2021, The Taiwan Representative Office accordingly holds the Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland on November 4th to 5th .

Taiwan Expo 2021 in Somaliland focuses on areas including agricultural and fishery processed products, bio-medical, auto parts, green energy (to address the COP26’s climate change issues), ICT, ocean freight and air freight logistics, coffee export to Asia, etc. This is an effort to promote Taiwanese quality products through Somaliland to East African markets and to establish B-2-B relationship and business platform between Taiwan and East Africa.

In the event, seminars focus on “The investment and trade opportunities in Somaliland”, “How to do business with Taiwan ", " Fishery and Green Energy Opportunities in Somaliland " are co-hosted by The Taiwan Representative Office, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Somaliland Ministries.

Moreover, the Importers & Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) signs an Agreement of Mutual Cooperation with the Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Association and Kampala City Traders Association (KACITA) to further build business link through visual meeting.

Business knows no borders. Facing the post-pandemic era, Taiwan will continue to play an important international economic and trade role, and to deepen economic and trade cooperation with the Africa countries.

