Huang Sheng-huang returned to Taiwan in 2018 to attend an OCAC seed teacher training program during which he learned a lot about glove puppetry. After returning to Argentina, he continued to hone his skills and tried his hand at creating. He established a local troupe and diligently trained local puppeteers; he translated Journey to the West into Spanish and made a big effort with regard to puppet making, costume design, stage arrangement, music and arranging the Spanish plot.
As well as performing in Argentina, his troupe has performed in neighboring Chile and has created three pieces so far. Today, he put on a performance of Taiwan’s traditional glove puppetry in bustling Rose Garden arranged by the city government. Fascinated adults and children stopped to watch the glove puppetry show, which is very different to local puppetry. In Spanish the audience was taken on a magical journey to Huoyan Mountain in Journey to the West.