


WMACS Hosts Regional Principal Meeting to Discuss Future Events and Post-Pandemic School Management

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2023 WMACS Principal Meeting
2023 WMACS Principal Meeting
WMACS Executive Team and School Principals
WMACS Executive Team and School Principals

On December 2, 2023, the Washington Metropolitan Association of Chinese Schools (WMACS) held a regional principal meeting at the Culture Center of TECRO in D.C. The meeting aimed to discuss the future of Mandarin language education in the region and how to promote Mandarin learning through various student contests and cultural activities.

WMACS is an association of Chinese schools in the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, established in 1987. The association currently has eighteen active member schools and sponsors various activities throughout the year, including teacher workshops, speech contests, calligraphy contests, word recognition contests, and diabolo competitions for students. WMACS also hosts two major annual events: a joint field day and a summer camp program.

During the meeting, principals and representatives from member schools discussed the planning of future activities and contests that can be organized to promote language learning and cultural diversity. School leaders also shared many new challenges and opportunities that schools are facing after the pandemic and exchanged ideas on different strategies of post-Covid school management.

In essence, the WMACS regional principal meeting was more than a routine gathering; it was a dynamic exchange that fueled optimism and strategic planning for the future. It was appreciated by all the attendees and was a step forward in promoting Mandarin language education in the region.

