


Jersey Shore Chinese School and TCML celebrate the Year of Dragon

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給予愛星 4
All the VIPs were invited to the stage.
All the VIPs were invited to the stage.
JSCS dragon team celebrated the year of Dragon.
JSCS dragon team celebrated the year of Dragon.
TCML students & teachers performed Taiwanese Folk Song, Mountain Green.
TCML students & teachers performed Taiwanese Folk Song, Mountain Green.
Folk dance team performed “Enchanted
Folk dance team performed “Enchanted
Mrs. Chuni Li led the VIP guests to dance the Flash Mob.
Mrs. Chuni Li led the VIP guests to dance the Flash Mob.

On February 4th, the Jersey Shore Chinese School (JSCS) & the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML) hosted a fantastic performance to celebrate the Year of the Dragon at Bell Works in Holmdel. More than 500 teachers, students, parents, VIP guests and community members gathered to celebrate this event together. The scene was well decorated, and the school prepared calligraphy bookmarks as well as red envelopes to distribute to the public, enhancing the festive atmosphere.

Lisa Albero, the principal of JSCS, gave opening remarks. She expressed her gratitude to the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC)) for the generous sponsorship, as well as to Holmdel Township and Bell Works for their support. Forrest Chen, the director of the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York (TECO-NY), highlighted the significance of Lunar New Year for Asian Americans. He encouraged the attendees to enroll in Mandarin and culture classes offered by JSCS and TCML, emphasizing that these programs are designed for learners of all ages within families.

New Jersey Assemblywoman Vicky Flynn, Assemblyman Dr. Gerry Scharfenberger, wished everyone a Happy New Year of Dragon. They presented the official proclamation of appreciation to JSCS & TCML to thank the school for its contribution and dedication in Holmdel for more than 40 years. The annual Lunar New Year celebration has become a cherished tradition for the residents of Holmdel.

The celebration was hosted by Chimin Hu. First, the lion dance team kicked off. With the majestic sound of drums, the performance of lion dance team was extraordinary. Followed by the great sounds of music, the dragon team ran onto the stage as everyone applauded and cheered for them. The folk dance team performed 3 beautiful programs including Enchanted, Synthesis Dance and Spring Dance. The yo-yo team presented “Rotating the Universe”. The language classes performed “the Little  Dragon Dance”& “Karate”to celebrate the year of Dragon. In keeping with JSCS tradition, Mrs. Chuni Li led the VIP guests in a lively Flash Mob dance.

Many VIP guests were present and enjoyed the celebration, including Deputy Mayor of Holmdel Brian Foster, Committee Kim LaMountain, Joseph Romano,  superintendent Dr. Scott Cascone, assistant superintendent Arthur Howard, and Holmdel School district Board of Education members Terence Wall、Christian DiMare、Kimberly Tuccillo、Anthony Libecci、Surekha Collur、President of Chinese American Cultural Association Chiao-wei Lee and President of Center for Cultural and Creative Exchange Li Ching Jung.   

The celebration concluded on a high note with Ms. Bright Lin leading all the teachers and students of the JSCS-TCML in singing Taiwanese folk song "Mountain Green," a fitting tribute to welcome the auspicious Green Dragon Year. The event was not only a celebration of the Lunar New Year but also a testament to the vibrant cultural heritage and community spirit that JSCS and TCML foster among their students and the broader community.

