
Cultural Features:Preserver of Bunun Pasibutbut Tradition | Nantou Sinyi Township Bunun Cultural Association

Ministry of Culture
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Preserver of Bunun Pasibutbut Tradition | Nantou Sinyi Township Bunun Cultural Association
Preserver of Bunun Pasibutbut Tradition | Nantou Sinyi Township Bunun Cultural Association

Chinese Name: 南投縣信義鄉布農文化協會

Established: 1999

Address: No.60-2, Sinkai Ln., Mingde Village, Sinyi Township, Nantou County

Website: https://www.lileh.tw/Module/Home/Index.php


Did You Know That…?

The Lileh Choir Group (Lileh之聲布農合唱團), formed by the Nantou Sinyi Township Bunun Cultural Association, is one of the few nationally recognized preservers of traditional arts in Taiwan. Comprising Bunun individuals from the Mingde community (明德社區) in Sinyi Township (信義鄉), Nantou County (南投縣), the choir has performed worldwide, including in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Poland, and Japan. Its members bring extensive performance experience and are celebrated for their ability to sing in perfect harmony.


Located in Mingde Village, the Nantou Sinyi Township Bunun Cultural Association is dedicated to preserving Bunun culture by passing down its traditional music to younger generations. To achieve this, elders in the village formed a performing group that practices regularly. In 1999, the cultural association was established alongside the Lileh Choir Group. “Lileh” was the old name of Mingde Village, derived from a species of silvergrass commonly found in the area. The group also underscores the significance of music in Bunun culture, drawing parallels to the vitality of the plant.

When discussing Bunun music culture, the most remarkable feature is “Pasibutbut (祈禱小米豐收歌),” an eight-part polyphony performed as a prayer for a bountiful millet harvest. First introduced to the world in 1943, this piece astonished the global music scene with its unique techniques and structure. The voices, born in the mountains of Taiwan, resonated on the international stage.

For the Bunun people, singing is a communal activity that involves everyone in the community, with songs deeply rooted in their way of life. Traditionally, the Bunun connect with one another through singing, integrating it into everyday activities such as hunting, farming, festivals, and celebrations. As a result, choral singing holds a vital place in Bunun culture, earning them the nickname “the choral ethnic group.”

As the Lileh Choir Group has evolved over three generations of members and gained extensive performing experience, it has emerged as a pioneer of Bunun traditional music in Taiwan. Their captivating Pasibutbut performances never fail to mesmerize audiences. 

Wu Rung-shun (吳榮順), a renowned musicologist in Taiwan, observed that compared to other Bunun communities across the country, the Mingde community has a more stable way of transmitting their singing methods. This is evident in their performances of Pasibutbut and other melodies, which align closely with the Bunun mythology of polyphonic singing.

Their minimalistic and soulful singing earned them national recognition as important traditional arts preservers, highlighting the community’s efforts to safeguard the tradition. Having performed in multiple countries worldwide, the Lileh Choir Group of the Bunun cultural association have been highly praised by international music critics, especially in Europe, for their elegant vocal artistry.

