
2025 Alishan Cherry Blossom Festival begins March 10

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Photo courtesy of Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency's Chiayi Branch Feb. 23, 2025
Photo courtesy of Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency's Chiayi Branch Feb. 23, 2025

Taipei, Feb. 23 (CNA) Chiayi County's annual Alishan Cherry Blossom Festival begins on March 10, with peak bloom expected in mid-to-late March, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) said Sunday.

Taiwan and Okame varieties of cherry blossom trees are already about 50 percent in bloom, according to a joint press conference held by the MOA's Chiayi Branch of the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency and the Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office.

Other cherry blossom varieties -- including Ryukyu kanhizakura, Wushe, Kuril, Yoshino, Kazan, Kawazu-zakura, Oshima, and Shirofugen -- will bloom over the coming weeks across Alishan Township's National Forest Recreation Area, according to promotional materials from the park.

During the promotional event held at the Alishan Forest Railway Garage Park, officials urged the public to plan ahead when visiting the Alishan National Forest Recreation Area and use public transportation for a "safe and comfortable cherry blossom-viewing experience."

Flowering is expected to be "even more splendid" than usual, due to persistent low temperatures this year, the officials said.

